Tuesday, January 3, 2012


: an art of sound in time that expresses ideas and emotions in significant forms through the elements of rhythm, melody, harmony, and color.

When working on photography projects, I have often worked with very talented people.  This has usually been makeup artists, wardrobe stylists, fashion designers and models of course.  Last summer I had the opportunity to add musicians to this list - enter Oliver & Sebastian Pigott in need of some updated photos.

The Pigott Brothers have been putting the finishing touches on their latest album, and have also just launched a new website (www.pigottbrothers.com) and needed images, images and more images.  Well, we succeeded. 

They're a couple of very talented guys, and a blast to work with.  You'll find our main shoot under PROJECTS and a couple portraits of Oliver under PORTRAITS.  

Also involved in the shoot was makeup artist Trason Fernandes (www.trason.com) and wardrobe stylist Alisha Hanif.  An amazing team with incredible results.

High Five gang!!!